Monday, December 29, 2008

Sister Penelope Heals Her Dog by Prayer

Reading in Yours, Jack: Spiritual Direction from C. S. Lewis, I came across this interesting note to one of his frequent correspondents, Sister Penelope. She had written him of how she had laid hands on her crippled dog and it was healed.
I was intensely interested in the story of your healing of the little dog. I don't see why one shouldn't. Perhaps indeed those to whom God allows a gift in this way should confirm their own faith in it by practising on beasts for in one way they may be easier to heal than men. Although they cannot have faith in Him (I suppose) they certainly have faith in us, which is faith in Him at one remove: and there is no sin in them to impede or resist. I am glad it happened. (p. 113)
In his journals, John Wesley records three seperate occasions when he prayed for the horse he was riding and saw it miraculously healed in Jesus' name (cited in Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ecstatic Prophecy

Ecstatic Prophecy
by Stacey Campbell

Discover what it is and why it happens. Understand its roots in the Bible and Church history. Learn how to discern true versus false prophecy. Explore its practice in the Church today.

    (Click here to preview in Amazon's Look Inside)

    Ecstatic prophecy is a form of prophecy in which the prophet is completely overtaken by the Holy Spirit—body, soul, and spirit—and prophesies almost as an oracle. In Ecstatic Prophecy, Stacey Campbell, a respected teacher and regular and high-profile recipient of this gift, explains the ins and outs of this remarkable mode of prophecy. She takes readers through biblical and early church examples of ecstatic prophecy and uncovers the history of its occurrence until modern times. She also examines how those with this gift can mature in it, avoid deception by testing spirits, and use this method of prophesying to grow closer to God and to reveal Jesus. This unique book will be compelling to anyone who follows prophetic literature and movements, as well as to those who may be experiencing ecstatic prophecy without understanding it.

    This can't be the Holy Spirit. Or can it? Stacey Campbell believed that supernatural experiences had ceased with the early Church. Yet in spite of herself, she was no longer sitting passively in a prayer meeting. She was now shaking, bouncing, speaking in tongues and giving prophetic utterance—overtaken by the Holy Spirit. The desire to understand this unasked-for experience led Campbell, a respected teacher and leader, on a journey deeper into the heart of God. Here she explores this remarkable gift in which the Holy Spirit takes over a person—body, soul, and spirit. She offers biblical, historical, and modern-day examples; warns about deception; and explains how to grow in this gifting.

    Stacey Campbell, co-founder of the nonprofit organization Be A Hero, is founder and facilitator of the Canadian Prophetic Council and serves as a lifetime honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by C. Peter Wagner. She also serves on the leadership team of The Call with Lou Engle, is often featured on Elijah List, and speaks widely on prophetic issues. She lives with her husband, Wesley, and their five children in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.

    "Little did I realize that what I thought would be a great book for a unique segment of the Body of Christ would actually become a necessary book for the entire Body of Christ." —from the foreword by Bill Johnson, pastor, Bethel Church, Redding, CA; author, When Heaven Invades Earth and Face to Face with God

    "This book will challenge you to be more fully possessed by His glorious presence." —Heidi Baker, founding director, Iris Ministries

    "Stacey does not approach this topic as a casual observer of a current fad but as a disciplined, humble, tenacious servant striving to hear and obey the voice of the living God." —Robert Stearns, executive director, Eagles' Wings, New York/Jerusalem

    "Paul the apostle said there are varieties of manifestations, and the grounded teaching contained in this book amplifies that reality." —James W. and Michal Ann Goll, Encounters Network and Compassion Acts; authors, The Seer, The Prophetic Intercessor and the Women on the Frontlines series

    This book features a section on ecstatic prophecy in Church history. You can find many other examples in Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church by Jeff Doles. (You can also preview this one in Amazon's Look Inside.)

    Wednesday, November 26, 2008

    Healing Explosion in Seattle, WA

    Georgian and Winnie Banov of Global Celebration send this report of recent healing miracles at Northwest Healing Explosion in Seattle, WA:
    Winnie and I are writing to you from the glorious Northwest where we are in the middle of a "healing explosion" — an incredible 10 day regional event. We are enjoying the unity in the body and the infectious excitement and hunger for more of Jesus. Last night there was an ongoing stream of people coming forward with reports that Jesus healed them. Each one testified with excitement and joy, and so many were healed without anyone but Jesus touching them. Tumors have vanished, a woman that has not walked in three years got out of her wheelchair and walked across the room, a family was completely healed from asthma, neck injuries have been healed, chronic pain disappeared from many people's bodies, the list goes on and on.
    This woman had not walked for three years, but at recent meetings in Seattle she got up out of her wheelchair and walked all around the room. Here is a video clip of her testimony:

    God continues to do today what He has done through the centuries.

    Tuesday, November 25, 2008

    No More Holes in Her Heart

    Kevin and Cynthia Ford, founders of Sozo Ministries, report this healing testimony:
    Last August I had the pleasure of ministering at the Greenville Christian Center in New York with Pastors Alan and Norma Babcock. After some awesome worship and preaching a word of faith we had an atmosphere of divine healing and an expectancy for the working of miracles.

    Jesus was being made manifest as He was taking pain out of peoples bodies when a young lady, a 5 year old named Ciara, came up and asked if Jesus would make her better.She had been dealing with heart problems as she had holes in her heart, I believe, since birth.

    We laid hands took her to The Table of The Lord and decreed her Inheritance in the Blood of Jesus. As she was leaving church that morning she told her mom Jesus healed me!!!

    I received a call last week from her mother Beverly. Ciara went for her regular cardio visit August 27th and was given a clean bill of health. She is feeling awesome, Praise God! a creative miracle, the holes in her are heart gone!

    Our God gives new body parts.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2008

    Six-Month Old Girl Miraculously Healed

    A six-month old girl with a multitude of medical problems was miraculously in the name of Jesus.

    Doug Dayton, pastor of International Word of Faith Church in Arlington, TX, tells how he answered a call to go Children's Hospital in Dallas to pray. Among other problems, the little girl had two holes in her heart and required a heart transplant. Things got worse when her parents were informed that she was ineligible for that operation.

    The pastor and others laid hands on her and began to pray for her: "Father in Jesus Name … Mankind can do nothing to heal this little girl. But you created her and you can fix her… In the name of Jesus We command Her Physical Body to line up with the Word of God! Be Made Whole!"

    After prayer, her stats began to stabilize and there was no only one hole in her heart. A few days later, she was taken off ICU machines, totally stabilized, and she is now at home with her family, who refer to her at "Miracle Baby."

    You can read the testimony here.

    Saturday, September 20, 2008

    Miracles in Pakistan

    South African evangelist Hamilton Filmalter, of River of Life Ministries, has seen the miracles of God in Lahore, Pakistan, where he conducted evangelistic meetings in 2007.
    The city government of Lahore showed great favor to us, allowing the crusade to continue under the blanket of ‘no public meetings.’ The words of the police chief were, “What you are doing is good for the city. It brings peace and blessing to the people. We need this.” Unfortunately, many people were reluctant to venture out at night due to the emergency conditions and the crowd was smaller than usual, but God still blessed the meetings powerfully. The gospel was clearly preached and each night hundreds declared their intention to follow Jesus. There were many wonderful miracles. Many received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues.

    After Hamilton ministered to the crowd by rebuking sickness, disease and demonic oppression, people came forward each night to testify of healings and deliverance. It is such a powerful testimony that Jesus has risen and that there is power in His name. It is a key to the ongoing revival in Pakistan.

    The crusade was preceded by two days of house church training. We also spent parts of three days talking with evangelists and house church leaders about how to be more effective in their ministries. For the church to penetrate society, evangelism and discipleship has to continue far beyond the perimeter of the crusade grounds and the walls of the church. House churches are the vehicle.As we have often seen, miracles continue to pave the way for house church planting.
    Healing testimonies include:

    • Two brothers who were born mute spoke for the first time at the meeting.
    • A person told of his cancer disappearing (Doctor confirmed healing).
    • A lame man who came in on crutches left walking normally.
    • A lady with a blind eye had her sight restored.
    • A lady was healed of cancer. This was confirmed by her doctor.
    • A baby with a hole in its heart was healed, confirmed by doctor.
    • A lady with a terminal illness, who had been told by her doctor to wrap up her affairs, was prayed for and healed.
    • A man with two defective heart valves that would not open properly was healed.
    • Another on kidney dialysis was healed and now had normal kidney function.
    Here is video from previous meetings by Filmalter and River of Life Ministies:

    November 2006 Pakistan Crusade

    ROLM Ministry Video

    April 2005 Pakistan Crusade

    More about River of Life Ministries

    Monday, September 8, 2008

    Russian Baby Raised from the Dead by Her Mother

    Russian Harvest Ministries reports how one of their converts, Sveta, brought her baby daughter back to life after the infant drowned in a bathtub. Sveta (Svetlana) tells her story:
    The following story is but one of many signs and wonders that we report in our newsletters. God often works in our midst with healings, miracles, and so much more. Enjoy as you read this account of a baby being raised from the dead!

    A few months ago I felt led of God to visit relatives in Kiev that I had never met. They were also believers so it was an opportunity to build a spiritual relationship. The family has six children, the youngest being just eighteen months old. Meeting them for the first time was eased greatly because we are all believers and we were having a great time together. One morning after everyone left except for me, Tanya decided to give her baby a bath. She strapped her baby, Karina, into a special baby bath and turned on the water. When the tub was full Tanya turned to leave but accidentally turned on the faucet to the shower handle as she left the bathroom. (FYI: The water hook-ups in Ukraine are different than U.S.A. and it’s easy to turn the wrong knob.)

    I left to the store and returned in twenty minutes. Tanya and I talked for several minutes when all of a sudden Tanya jumped up and said “Oh, I forgot to check on Karina.” Shortly after I heard a deafening scream and I ran to the bathroom to find Tanya holding Karina upside down trying to get water out of her lungs. I grabbed the baby and began CPR as Tanya called the ambulance but she was in shock and could not even dial the phone.

    My efforts at trying to resuscitate the baby did nothing. It was then that I dropped to my knees and screamed out “NO, I don’t receive this! JESUS, HELP!”My heart was pounding and my body shaking. Looking at this little dead body was was paralyzing…But I mustarded up all the faith that was in me cried out to GOD! “God, save this child in Jesus name.”

    It was after this that I turned to see Karina’s head turn to the side as if unseen hands were at work and water started coming out from her lungs. Karina then opened her eyes and took the first breath, then another, and another. Both me and Tanya were shaking but not from fear— from the fact that God was at work in that room and we had just witnessed a miracle. It was overwhelming. Karina came back to life! It was an amazing miracle. The baby was raised from the dead! Miracles still happen. God still heals and signs and wonders are normal for those who believe. 
    This is not the first time Sveta has experienced the miraculous power of God. Russian Harvest Ministries releaased this brief bio:
    Sveta, a once notorious drug dealer and eventual addict, was saved and became a radical Christian. She has been used by God to do what Sid Roth describes as Naturally Supernatural— She Raised The Dead! Sveta was reached for Jesus five years ago by Russian Harvest missionary Volodya Ishenko and his team. She was on the verge of death, eaten away by disease. She had to be carried to our center on a stretcher. But God had great plans. Thirty days later, after intense prayer and intercession and constant reading of the Word, Sveta rose up from the bed of affliction healed by the power of God! She has since graduated from our women’s rehab center and is the now the director there.

    Healing and Miracles at Winchester Outpouring

    Charisma magazine reports that Stephens City, VA, is experiencing Christian renewal in what is being called the Winchester Outpouring. At least three churches (Agape Christian Church, Greenaway Spirit and Word Fellowship, and Crossroads Community Church) have been joining together regulalrly in revival meetings for the past four months and have seen many dramatic healings from deafness, blindness, arthritis and fibromyalgia. A girl was healed of torn ligaments in her knee; she removed her brace and danced around, and her scheduled surgery is no longer necessary.
    Such healings can be typical in charismatic revivals, but unusual manifestations are reportedly occurring in Winchester as well, including feathers floating out of thin air and teeth filling with gold. In some cases the entire tooth has turned to gold.
    “I’m personally one of those people who wants to see things documented,” Prock said. “I’m a very cautious [person] … until I saw gold teeth starting to happen. We feel that God will bring [transformation to the region] when supernatural power is being demonstrated.”
    He said one example of such a demonstration involved an elder from Greenway Fellowship, a former Southern Baptist church that is partnering with Agape. Prock said the Greenway man was openly sarcastic and skeptical about reports of unusual manifestations—until he unexpectedly received a gold filling.
      Read the full report here.

      Small Chance Leveraged by Prayer and Faith

      CBN reports the story of a little boy in Knoxville, TN, who had a serious and stroke, very unusual for one his age. After he survived a very dangerous surgery, his family received a devastating prognosis and a very small chance of recovery.
      “He [the doctor] says, ‘If he even survives, most likely he will be in a wheelchair. He could be blind. He may never walk, never talk, he will be severely … he won’t be the same.’ I almost just let it go in one ear and out the other, because I prayed nonstop and that’s not what God was telling me,” his mother said.
      Through the prayers of family and friends, he has been enjoying a rapid recovery which has far exceeded the expectations of the doctors.
      “His progress was remarkable compared to when I first saw him.  He could not talk.  He could speak or understand speech.  He could not move his right arm or his right leg at all at that point,” Dr. Woodword said. “I think it’s a miracle that he’s survived and is doing as well as he is, yes.”

      You can read the text of this story here.

      Thursday, August 14, 2008

      Miracles and Healings in India

      Numerous miracles — Tumors disappear, arms straighten, legs are healed, the lame walk, deaf ears open, new teeth, new knees, paralysis gone, arthritis gone, and over 2000 people receive the Lord Jesus Christ at this evangelistic meeting conducted by John Crowder and the Sons of Thunder in India in 2007.

      Saturday, August 9, 2008

      Prayer Heals Little Girl with Brain Tumor

      On July 20, 2008, KLTV7, a television station in Longview, Texas, reported  how a little girl with a brain tumor received healing through prayer and faith. Kayla Knight, eleven years old, had been experiencing severe headaches for months. Her mother, Amy, took her to the doctor and an MRI was taken which revealed a large tumor in her brain. Amy immediately began to pray, and also got her church involved, who laid hands on Kayla and prayed
      "That was actually on a Wednesday so when we got to church we had a good 30 people or more lay hands on her and it just ... you could feel God. I can't say we prayed as much before. I mean we did ... but not like this. Not like we do now."
      An MRI taken a few days later now told a completely different story: The tumor was gone. Amy was amazed; the doctor was puzzled. They did another MRI which confirmed the new results, and the doctor said it was a miracle, the tumor really was gone.

      Amy now takes her Christian faith much more seriously. Kayla says of the experience,"It's been kind of scary but kind of fun. Because you're, like, knowing God is going to do something about it."

      Read the full transcript.

      Tuesday, August 5, 2008

      God Stilled Me: Testimony of a Parkinson's Sufferer

      CBN recently aired this testimony of Cindy Asmus, a 44 year-old woman who was healed of Parkinson's disease:
      That was Wednesday night Bible study. We had come to church," Cindy remembers. "It wasn’t this big, special night that anything particular happened. We always have a prayer request at the end and we pray for needs. At the very end of that, the pastor walked over—which he had done so many times before and prayed for this illness to leave. As he started praying, it was like I began to shake a little bit more. I don’t even know how long we prayed. All of a sudden, everything stopped, every bit of shaking stopped. All I kept thinking was I’m not shaking. I’m not shaking anymore. That’s all I kept thinking because I hadn’t been able to still my hands in months. It was so unreal to just sit there and be still and not have any part of my body move ...

      I can tie my shoes really fast now. I can run upstairs instead of where I could hardly walk up stairs. I can write a clear sentence. I can eat with a spoon, a fork. I can cut with a knife, which I couldn’t do before. There is so much to be thankful for that I can get up and I can do the things that, when I was ill, could not do.

      You can read the full testimony here.

      Wednesday, July 30, 2008

      Mulitplication of Food and Other Miracles in Egypt

      Jesus multiplied bread and fishes for a crowd of five thousand who came to hear the gospel. Can He multiply fried chicken and biscuits for a multitude today? Marilyn Hickey reports that He did just that for a hungry crowd in Cairo, Egypt who came for the Word of God. Her ministry had 3500 box lunches catered in by Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Charisma Magazine Online explains:
      After the food was completely distributed, and after the crowd swelled to about 5,000, she said volunteers were astonished to return to what should’ve been a room of empty tables to discover 1,200 more lunches. She said after they handed out the mysterious extras, another 1,200 appeared, leaving a surplus of food and dumbfounded witnesses. Hickey’s staff called it a “loaves and fishes” miracle. [Read the full story]
      In addition to this unusual occurrence, and many salvation decisions, there were also numerous healings, including:
      • A woman who could not bend over for 20 years because of a crooked spine now has a straight spine, as confirmed by a doctor in the audience.
      • A 21-year old man deaf in his right ear since birth can now hear with that ear.
      • A woman with lung cancer, scheduled for chemotherapy, can now breathe freely and has no more pain.
      • A man healed of a heart problem came back the following night with "before" and "after" reports from his doctor confirming his healing.

      Wednesday, July 23, 2008

      Revival in Kansas City

      Revival has broken out at World Revival Church in Kansas City, MO, pastored by Steve Gray. Along with renewed passions for God, and intense responses to the altar calls, there have also been a number of healing testimonies, including:
      • A Florida woman whose hip was healed and now she no longer needs replacement surgery. Her doctors are perplexed.
      • A woman who was deaf in her right ear for over thirty years as a result of Scarlet Fever can now hear clearly in that ear.
      • A woman who had suffered with dangerously high blood pressure received healing. Now her blood pressure is well within acceptable range. Not only that, she went home and ministered healing to her friend, who also had high blood pressure.

      Children as well as adults are experiencing the fire of God. A young boy named Ivan felt the glory of God on him and ministered it to others. He said it was "warm, like a thousands blankets all around me." Read the story and watch a clip of it here.

      Saturday, July 19, 2008

      Miracles Follow Doug Stanton Ministries

      When Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel in all the world, He promised that miracles would follow those who believe, including healing and deliverance (Mark 16:15-20). Doug Stanton, an Australian evangelist ( who has been conducting revival services at the Minneapolis Revival Center in Minnesota for the past six months, has certainly seen this to be true. His website features numerous testimonies, from this and other revivals he has led, by people who have been healed and delivered from a variety of afflictions and whose lives have been changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. These include:
      • A woman whose back has been rebuilt by God and who no longer requires pain medications.
      • A Vietnam veteran who was shot in the head by a sniper in 1968 but was healed of severe headaches.
      • A Minnesota man healed of two strains of AIDS who no longer needs his walker. Black skin cancers have disappeared from his body, and after three separate tests, his doctor no longer finds any trace of AIDS in his body.
      • A woman in the last stages of cancer in November 2006, was healed at revival meetings and was informed by her doctor around Christmas time that her cancer was gone.
      • An Australian man healed of fribromyalgia and chronic fatigue who can now walk, dance and run with his grandsons.
      • A woman who was legally blind and whose sight was miraculously restore to full panoramic vision.
      • A stroke victim, wheelchair bound for eight years, who was able to get up and walk all around the building after healing prayer.
      • A young man who was deaf in one ear can now hear with it.
      • A baby girl in Brisbane, Australia who no longer needs reflux surgery and whose ultrasound now shows no abnormalities.
      • A 17 year old girl who was born blind with malformed eyes miraculously received her sight at a revival meeting. She then prayed over a woman who was a stroke patient and wheelchair bound. The woman got up and walked directly across room where, as she explained later, she saw Jesus standing.
      • A Brisbane woman who was set free from depression.
      • A baby boy in utero whose feet were joined at the heels ("mermaid feet") was healed and a subsequent ultrasound showed no deformity.
      • A New York woman who suffered from severe migraine and cluster headaches since she was a child, but received her healing after Doug Stanton had a word of knowledge.
      Signs and wonders do follow those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Healing Miracles at Kensington Temple Church London

      Revival Times reports numerous healing miracles in the revival at Kensington Temple London City Church being conducted by evenagelist Gypsy William Smith. Blind eyes see, deaf ears here, back pain gone, leg pain gone, foot pain gone. The meetings, which were intended to run for a month, beginning in March, have already extended to July.

      In an interview in February about the then upcoming meetings, Smith said,
      "There will always be plenty of healings! Recently, I met a woman with terminal cancer. She had only hours to live and the priest had already given her the last rites. I went to see her. The next day she was out shopping, completely healed! I have seen people healed from every kind of disease – Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, terminal cancer, meningitis, blindness, deafness and so on. People can expect miracles and will see their lives transformed. God will also set people free from all kinds of addictions"
      You can watch some of the healing testimonies here. Also, according to the church's website, there have  been over eleven hundred people who have made commitments to Christ since the meetings began on March 2.

      Friday, July 18, 2008

      Rick Joyner Responds to Lakeland Questions

      MorningStar Ministries has released an article by Rick Joyner in which he responds to some common questions and concerns that have arisen about the current Lakeland Revival, including:
      • The Bible says in the last days there will be true prophets and false prophets, with false prophets performing many miracles which can deceive God’s own people. How can we tell if a prophet is false?
      • What is the significance of all the talk of angels?
      • What about this female angel named Emma that some claim to have seen and received messages from? Aren’t angels “neither male nor female?”
      • How does one restore a fallen leader, and can a fallen leader return to the pulpit?
      • How do you keep from sensationalism during a revival?
      You can read his answers here.

      Review: "Excellent Resource"

      Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church is an excellent resource for any student of the Bible. Jeff Doles has done a masterful job of relating historical facts in a compendium that is actually both easy to read and impacting. He clearly debunks the theory that miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit ceased when the apostles died or when the New Testament canon was completed. This book is well worth reading. You will be amazed at how much was going on in the church, even during what we call the “Dark Ages.” You may also be surprised at the number of supernatural events that occurred during the ministry of Reformers and Revivalists since those dark ages.

      “As I discovered in my research for my own book, Signs and Wonders — To Seek or Not to Seek, God’s primary method of making believers out of unbelievers is the supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit. Jeff Doles’ book will help every believer to accept the renewal of the miraculous in our own day. My strong advice for every Christian is to get and read this book.”
      —Ben R. Peters, Open Heart Ministries
      Author and International Evangelist

      Tuesday, July 15, 2008

      Signs and Wonders at Revival in Georgia

      Charisma Magazine reports that a revival, conducted by evangelist Frank Seamster, has been going on at Coweta Community Church in Newnan, GA, for 30 consecutive days. They began on June 1st and have been going ever since, except for a brief break over Fourth of July weekend:
      On the fourth night, Seamster noticed an increase in healing miracles. “It was like in the Bible, with the preaching of the Word, God was confirming it with signs and wonders,” he said. “Every night we had different miracles but on the fourth night, people who had vision problems and those who had chronic pain for 20 years testified of being healed. They stood in the prayer line, and God instantly healed them.” Families have been restored and there’s a distinct move of God among the teenagers and young adults.

      “One girl, a pastor’s daughter, had strayed from God and gotten involved in drugs,” Seamster said. “She came to the services and got set free from drugs. God blessed her with a job and someone gave her a car. Teenagers are testifying of how God is transforming their lives by coming to the services. There’s signs, wonders and miracles, but there must be a permanent change taking place in your life.”
      You can read more about it here.

      Sunday, July 6, 2008

      Stillborn Baby Raised by Praying Teenagers

      Read this simply but powerful testimony of how a stillborn baby, dead for 27 hours, was brought back to life in San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala, through the prayers of a few teenagers on summer ministry teams from the States.
      We prayed for thirty to forty minutes. At the end of that time, Julia screamed out to God, telling Him that she believed with all of her heart that this baby could be raised from the dead. After Julia screamed out, everyone was silent. We were quietly interceding and praying. Within a few minutes, the baby started moving. Then the baby coughed and began crying. The mother came rushing into the room. She was screaming, what is going on? No one could answer her. We were just staring at the baby, who had come back to life. The mother asked us again, what is going on? She began crying as she saw that her baby was alive. She ran out of the house and banged on every door in the village, telling all of the people that God is real because her baby was alive. Within about thirty minutes, the baby's skin tone and movements had become completely normal.
      This brought an opportunity for them to preach to all the villagers. Between 80 and 90 prayed to receive Christ, were baptized in the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues.

      Praise God, who gives life to the dead.

      Wednesday, July 2, 2008

      Healing and Miracles in Bolivian Revival

      In the 1970s, Julio Ruibal, known as "the apostle to the Andes," was used by God to ignite revival in Bolivia. J. Lee Grady, of Charisma Magazine, recently did an interview with his widow, Ruth Ruibal, about this great move of God. In addition to multitudes coming to Christ, there were also many healings and miracles of the Holy Spirit. Mrs. Ruibal said,
      The miracles were so remarkable and abundant that it is hard to adequately describe. One of the outstanding miracles involved a woman who was dying of bone cancer. She was bedridden and her upper leg could not be moved for lack of bone. Her sons asked Julio to pray for her. He led her to the Lord and then prayed for healing. Then Julio felt the Lord telling him to lift the lady to her feet. He helped pull her up and she stood. God had replaced the bone eaten away by cancer! ...

      We saw clubbed feet made straight. The lame walked, a hunchbacked man’s back was straightened, people who were brought in blankets or sheets got up and walked out healthy, the blind were given sight, the deaf were able to hear, diseases were healed with medical certification, the mute spoke, legs grew out and people were delivered from demons. At one point people were healed even when Julio’s shadow passed over them.
      Other miracles include supernatural changes in the weather (Jesus is Lord over the wind and the waves), and the multiplication of food, and even of money for the purchase of additional food.
      There were all sorts of miracles from the beginning and that continued throughout Julio’s ministry to the very end. They were mainly signs, wonders and different kinds of healings.
      There were also visitations of angels. One example Mrs. Ruibal gives concerns the gift of free wood for a building project. The only problem is that the free wood was underneath another stack of wood that reach to the ceiling. It would have taken days to unstack the top wood and get to the free wood. Julio and his assistants went out to discuss the matter. When they came back to the pile, they discovered that all the free wood was on top of the pile. With no natural explanation possible, they gave thanks to God for the work of His angels.

      Tuesday, July 1, 2008

      Raised from the Dead

      Here is an article on raising the dead through prayer and faith in Jesus' name. It features numerous accounts of people who were brought back to like in this way, including:
      • The testimony or Mrs. A. C. Eastham concerning her daughter, Marilyn who, at the age of two and a half, died and was restored to life. It is related by her son-in-law, Marilyn's husband, Dr. Horace S. Ward, Senior Pastor of Maranatha Church of God in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and former Assistant General Director of Education for the Church of God. The events were also confirmed to him by Rev. and Mrs. Buford Alford, who were also present at the event.
      • An account related by Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, former president of Wheaton College, in his book, Getting Things from God (Moody Press), of a railroad engineer who was raised from the dead in answer to his wife's prayers.
      • A Hungarian woman who died of strike and heart failure at an evangelistic meeting. The preacher, a missionary from Brazil, felt faith rise up in him and the Holy Spirit telling him to raise her up, prayed for her and commanded her spirit to return. The woman revived and her heart was completely healed. She had been an unbeliever before, but experiencing the resurrection power of Jesus, she came to Christ.
      • At Port Authority in NYC, three Christians came across the body of a man slumped on the pavement with no vital signs. One of them felt an intense compassion for the man and prayed for the Lord to extend his life. The man revived and described this experience, that he was in a place that was progressively darker and colder, and that he heard the voice of the Christian man, who was praying in tongues, then felt like he was sucked by a wind back into his body. He became a Christian because of this.
      • Many other accounts.
      Ben R. Peters of Open Heart Ministries has written about raising the dead in Resurrection: A Manual for Raising the Dead.

      Raising the dead is nothing new. Elijah, Elisha and Ezekiel did it in the Old Testament. Jesus, Peter and Paul did it in the new. Today, Christians all around the world are doing it. As Paul asked King Agrippa, "Why should it be thought incredible by you that God should raise the dead?" (Acts 26:8). Raising the dead is not for super-Christians, but is in the DNA of every believer. Ben Peters fully expects to see literal, physical resurrections, as well as spiritual revival, take place before our eyes, through faith in the Living God. This little book will help you discover some of the valuable life-giving principles revealed in Scripture, including:
      • Who is able to raise the dead
      • What you do and don't need to raise the dead
      • How not to raise the dead
      • The most important key to raising the dead
      • Prophesying life to dry bones
      • Understanding breath, wind and spirit
      • How to minister life to the dead

      Pelvis and Hip Healed

      Here is a video posted at YouTube in conjunction with the Lakeland healing revival. It shows a woman whose pelvis and hip were out of alignment from a fall. She had been in pain for several years and her chiropractor was not able to help her. After healing prayer was offered in the name of Jesus, the pain in her pelvis was gone and her hip came back into alignment. She was able to bend over, pain-free, in a way she could not before.

      Monday, June 30, 2008

      Revival and Healing at MorningStar Ministries

      Since the Lakeland Outpouring, revival has broken out at MorningStar Ministries, near Charlotte, NC. Here is a short video montage about it. It includes an unusual healing where the three rods and 19 screws and bolts in her spine disappeared. Another woman who had not been able to hear from her left ear for many years suddenly received hearing when it opened up completely. On another night, a missing rib was miraculously restored. Also featured are a few comments by Jack Deere, author of Surprised by the Voice of God and Surprised by the Power of the Spirit:
      I started saying to Him, "Well, Lord, why do you heal?" And I found out, He healed to have compassion on people. He healed to open wide doors for evangelism. He healed to bring glory to His Son. He heals sometimes because people just ask Him. He heals in reqponse to faith. There are like ten or twelve different reasons, and none of those reasons has been done away with.
      —Jack Deere
      The revival began in late April. An early report by includes some notable miracles:
      Friday night a woman with a whithered arm, which was paralyzed from birth, looked down in amazement to discover it had grown four inches, matching the other arm. Last night arthritics and others were healed. Tonight is the twelfth night of these special meetings.
      Read the entire article here.

      Saturday, June 28, 2008

      Christians Healing One Another Through Prayer

      This clip is about Christians praying for each other at Lakeland revival with many getting healed. Che Ahn led the service that night. Testimonies include healing from back pain, knee pain, neck pain, cancer pain in lung, flat-footedness, and Parkinson's disease. Every believer has been given the authority of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit for healing through prayer and faith in His name.

      The fellow who posted this video titled it "A Scoffer's Nightmare!! Regular Christians used for Healing!" You'll see some of his comments superimposed on the clip.

      Sid Roth Interviews Todd Bentley

      Sid Roth, host of It's Supernatural TV program, had this interview with Todd Bentley concerning the Lakeland healing revival.

      Todd Bentley Interviewed by Geraldo Rivera

      Here is a clip Todd Bentley doing an interview with Geraldo Rivera concerning his healing ministry and the Lakeland revival.

      Friday, June 27, 2008

      The Word Confirmed with Accompanying Signs

      And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. (Mark 16:20)
      The current revival in Lakeland, FL, has met with resistance in some Christian quarters, though there have been many people saved, healed and delivered of demonic oppression, all in the name of Jesus. When this is pointed out, however, critics often respond, as they have done to many past revivals, with these other words of Jesus: “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:22-23).

      Both Scriptures are true, but there are some important distinctions to note. First, notice that Jesus did not say that “All who say to Me, ‘Lord, Lord …’”He did not even say most. He only said many.

      “In that day,” that is, the day of His kingdom, there will be many who will say that they have prophesied, cast out demons and done many wonders in the name of Jesus, though Jesus does not know them or claim them as His own. How they are able to perform such miracles is unclear, and beside the point. The point is about knowing Jesus, or more importantly, being known by Him.

      Does this mean that all signs and wonders done in the name of Jesus should be rejected? No. Does it mean that healing miracles and exorcisms have no value for confirming a message or ministry? Again, no.

      George O. Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, in a recent statement on revival (not specifically addressing the current “Lakeland Outpouring,” but certainly with it in mind) said, “Miraculous manifestations are never the test of a true revival – fidelity to God's Word is the test.” The article, for the most part, is nicely balanced, with appropriate words of caution. But I would like to take issue a bit with the above quote. The bone I pick is a little one, the difference between the and a, but I think it is an important distinction.

      Miraculous manifestations are not the test of true revival, but if I am to believe Jesus and the Gospel of Mark, they are certainly a test. For in giving His disciples the Great Commission (“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”), He said:
      And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. (Mark 16:17-18)
      Notice that Jesus calls these “signs.” Healing the sick, casting out demons, and other miraculous manifestations have sign value. Signs are indicative, that is, they point to something. Now read again the words that close the Gospel of Mark:
      And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. (Mark 16:20)
      The Lord used these signs to confirm the word preached by the apostles. It helped to establish the message that was brought. Now, miraculous manifestations are not to be divorced from the message of the Bible, or else they have would have no determinative value for us. After all, signs are indicative and as such must have something to which they point us. Signs that are from God point us to the Word of God and the message of the gospel. True signs confirm the Word. Any sign that is contrary to the Word is to be dismissed. Any sign that accompanies a false gospel is likewise to be rejected.

      So while it is true that signs by themselves are not the test of revival, not able to authenticate a message or ministry, they do have an important role to play in confirming the word of the gospel. Alone they give us no help at all, but as accompaniment to the Word and the gospel they have great value.

      Thursday, June 26, 2008

      Drowned Baby Raised to Life

      Pam Walker, of Fowlerville Freedom Center Assembly of God in Jacksonville, FL, tells how a six month old baby named Isaiah, who had drowned in a bathtub, was brought back to life through prayer and faith in the name of Jesus. Hear her story in this video.

      There is also an interesting follow-up word by Art Thomas of The Wildfire School of Supernatural Ministry.

      Tuesday, June 24, 2008

      How to Heal the Sick

      Here is a 14-part video series by Charles and Frances Hunter on "How to Heal the Sick." Episodes vary in length, with many about an hour long. It is a course in healing ministry.
      Another resource for healing ministry:

      Healing Scriptures and Prayers
      by Jeff Doles

      "Faith in the promises of God is the most important aspect of the ministry of divine healing, as well as the way to a walk in divine health. Jeff Doles has labored diligently to correctly lay out those healing promises in such a manner that this book can be both a refreshment to the soul of an individual needing a wonderful touch of Christ, or the person who is desiring to operate in the ministry of divine healing and setting people free. I would also recommend this book to every Healing Team/Healing Rooms ministry as an important working instrument for their own faith and the building of faith in those to whom they minister."
      —Wayne C. Anderson, Healing Evangelist
      President, Standsure Ministries

      Monday, June 23, 2008

      Healing Miracles Examined

      A number of healing miracles have been checked out by independent investigation through personal interviews and testimonies. Diabetes healed. Cystic fibrosis healed. Muscular dystrophy healed. Spinal disease healed. Leg lengthened. Cracking sounds in knees eliminated. Cysts and scars disappear. Much more.

      This accompanying link gives more on the healings, including contact information on those who give testimonies to the healings they received in Jesus' name through the Florida Outpouring.

      Deaf Ear Healed After 54 Years

      Todd Bentley had a word of knowledge about somebody who was deaf for 54 years. A woman came forward who was deaf in her right ear for 54 years. After healing prayer in the name of Jesus, she received her hearing in that ear.

      Rheumatoid Arthritis and Stroke Victim Healed

      A man is healed of rheumatoid arthritis. His left foot was is no longer in pain and his fingers have straightened out.

      Another man is healed of a stroke. He was on thirty-eight different daily medications. He was a heart patient on the list for a transplant, which he no longer requires, and he does not need his wheelchair any more.

      Monday, June 16, 2008

      Healing Revival in Keene, NH

      A healing revival has begun in Keene, NH, sparked by the visiting ministry of Percy Jeptha, pastor of Baruch Haba Christian Center, Capetown, South Africa. In particular, people have been getting healed of Fibromyalgia:
      One of the more dramatic instant healings was witnessed in a house meeting as a woman who has dealt with Fibromyalgia was released from the constant pain of the disease. Diane recalls that she will never forget the look in the eyes of the woman as she realized that she was pain free. Since then, six other people in the area have been healed from this crippling disease; some instant, others within a few days. One of the people even got healed while in the waiting room of their chiropractor.
      Read the full report, by Nick Shepard, here.

      Friday, June 13, 2008

      Plunged Into Boiling Oil, Yet Unharmed

      Recently came across this quote from Tertullian (AD 155-230) concerning the Apostle John:
      Since, moreover, you are close upon Italy, you have Rome, from which there comes even into our own hands the very authority (of apostles themselves). How happy is its church, on which apostles poured forth all their doctrine along with their blood! Where Peter endures a passion like his Lord’s! Where Paul wins his crown in a death like John’s! Where the Apostle John was first plunged, unhurt, into boiling oil, and thence remitted to his island-exile! — from The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume 3, "The Prescription Against Heretics," chapter 36.
      Tertullian tells us that John was plunged into boiling oil and yet was unhurt.

      Dead Man Sits Up in Coffin and Praises God

      A man died and his family requested that GodTV and the revival be played at the all-night wake. They declared that their brother not be embalmed. At 2:19 a.m., the man began to stir in his coffin. He sat up, praising God. Then he began telling about his journey to heaven and how he thought he would never come back to earth.

      Twenty-Three Year Old Man Raised from Dead

      A 23-year old man was found dead early on Wednesday morning. He was rushed to Lakeland Regional Hospital (Lakeland, FL), and placed on full life support, though he had no vitals and no brain activity, and the doctor said he had no hope. The family was called in and advised that it was time to pull the plug. The family had been at the healing revival and brought a prayer-cloth, which they placed on him Wednesday evening, praying over him in the name of Jesus. Thursday morning, the young man revived with full vital signs, internal organs now fully functioning.

      Tuesday, June 10, 2008

      Theological Response to Critics of the Lakeland Outpouring

      The current revival in Lakeland, FL, being conducted by Todd Bentley, has received quite a bit of criticism from certain sectors of the Church. Dr. Gary S. Greig, is currently the senior editor of theology and acquisitions for the Regal Publishing Group, and former associate professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Regent University School of Divinity, has written a detailed 55-page response to ten of the most common objections, called A Theological Response to Criticism of the Lakeland Outpouring and Todd Bentley: BIBLICAL REASONS TO RECEIVE GOD’S GLORY AND GIVE IT AWAY IN POWER EVANGELISM (in PDF).

      Dr. Greig received his Ph.D in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago in 1990. He is the editor, along with Kevin M. Springer, of The Kingdom and the Power: Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Use by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?, which includes contributions from J. I. Packer, Jeffrey Niehaus, Wayne Grudem, Stanley M. Burgess, David Lewis and John White.

      Raised from the Dead: A 21st Century Miracle Resurrection Story

      Raised from the Dead: A 21st Century Miracle Resurrection Story is a 56 minute video released by Christ for All Nations (founded by evangelist Reinhard Bonnke). It documents how Daniel Ekekchukwu, a Nigerian pastor who was fatally injured in an automobile accident, was certified dead and even embalmed, was miraculously restored to life after three days through prayer and faith in the name of Jesus Christ. You can view it here for free.

      Saturday, June 7, 2008

      Mozambique Muslim Healed of Blindness

      Heide Baker, of Iris Ministries, tells how a blind Muslim man receives his sight in the name of Jesus. His Muslim friend gets healed also, and both get baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Saved and healed—double sight!

      "During church in Pemba, Mozambique, a totally blind muslim man recieves prayer for healing in the name of Jesus .. . and gets totally healed!!! This miracle happened right in front of my eyes ... this muslim man not only recieved physical sight, but he got saved and baptized in Jesus' name! Just as in the book of Acts, God confirms His gospel through signs and wonders through the hands of His Church."

      Wednesday, June 4, 2008

      Baltimore Pastor Healed of Deafness

      Todd Bentley received a word of knowledge that God was going to heal a man who had been deaf for 34 years. Then he felt lead by the Lord to call for revival in Baltimore, MD. A man came up on the platform who was a pastor from Maryland who had been deaf in his right ear for 34 years--to the day. Bentley prayed for him and he was healed on the platform. Now he can hear fine.

      Tuesday, June 3, 2008

      Shekinah Glory, Holy Fire and Miraculous Healing

      The Azusa Street Revival (1906-1910) is pretty well known in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles for the revival of the gift of tongues. But reading through They Told Me Their Stories: The Youth and Children of Azusa Street Tell Their Stories, I am learning that there were other marvelous manifestations of the Holy Spirit, including numerous healings, the unusual appearance of flame above the meetinghouse, and the experience of what those in attendance called the "Shekinah Glory."

      This book is composed of testimonies often repeated to Tommy Welchel back in the 1960s by men and women who were children and teenagers during the Azusa revival. Now they were residents of Old Pisgah Home, in Los Angeles, and Welchel, being a new believer, would literally sit at their feet, eager to hear their stories over and over.

      They gave account of many of the miraculous healings they had personally witnessed, and often even participated in, though they were only children and teenagers at the time. Some were themselves healed. Blind eyes were made to see, deaf ears heard, tumors vanished, cleft palates joined together, new teeth appeared, broken bones were made whole, amputated limbs were restored, and those bound in wheelchairs received strength to walk, run and dance for joy.

      Many of these witnesses also told about the unusual flame that would often appear above the meetinghouse. It was described as a fire coming down from heaven to meet a fire that was going up from the building.

      There were also many who experienced the "Shekinah Glory," an unusual cloud of mist that regularly settled in the meetinghouse. It was believed to be a visible manifestation of the glory of the Lord. At times it was thick enough that children could play "hide and seek" in it. Sometimes it settled love to the ground and people would lay down in to breathe in the glory. A few tried to capture it in a jar, only to find that it would soon evaporate. Many simply breathed it in, some describing it as an experience of heaven or as breathing pure oxygen.

      A hundred years ago, the revival at Azusa Street signaled a fresh and powerful move of God. About a hundred years ago, Charles Parham, who had witnessed a stirring of the gift of tongues in Topeka, KS, just a few years prior, prophesied that in a hundred years, another revival would come that would be even greater. William Seymour, who led the Azusa revival, similarly prophesied about a greater revival that would come in another hundred years.

      Friday, May 30, 2008

      Florida Outpouring Spreads to Oregon

      The Florida Outpouring (a.k.a. Lakeland Revival) is spreading to a number of places, including Albany, Oregon. Pastor Denny Cline, of Albany Christian Vineyard Fellowship, in Albany, recently attended the Lakeland meetings and since returning home has experienced a similar revival in his home church. The manifestation of God's presence has intensified and many people have experienced bodily healing as well as spiritual, or inner, healing. Also, many people have come forward and received the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Read more here.

      Woman Suddenly Comes Back to Life

      A Charleston, WV, woman came back to life after over 17 hours of no brain waves. Her family had made the decision to take her off life support, and arrangements were being made for the donation of her organs. But then she revived and doctors at Cleveland Hospital have found nothing wrong with her. They are particularly puzzled that she had no heart blockages, even though her heart had stopped three times—they are calling it a "medical miracle."

      Her niece, Darla, had recently been at the Lakeland Revival where she received prayer and a prophetic word that there would be healing, revival and restoration in her family. At the time, she had no idea what that meant. Now she has seen it fulfilled and is giving God the glory, "Jesus stepped in when man stepped away—when doctors could do no more—Jesus did the rest."

      Read the story here.

      You can also view the Associated Press video report here.

      NBC Report on the Lakeland Revival

      Here is a field report on Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Revival issued by MSNBC news.

      Sunday, May 25, 2008

      A Man with Paralyzed Arm Healed

      A man who had his neck fractured and arm paralyzed in a car wreck is healed. He no longer needs a neck brace, feeling has returned to his arm and he can move it around.

      Blind Eye Healed at Lakeland Revival

      A man blind in one eye has his sight restored in the name of Jesus.

      Books and Resources on Miracles and Manifestations

      For books and resources on the miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the history of the Church, visit our new online bookstore, WBM Bookshop (in association with

      Friday, May 23, 2008

      The Glory Cloud at Azusa Street

      Here is a book of eyewitness accounts of the revival at Azusa street. Many people understand it as the birthplace of the modern pentecostal movement and a significant renewal of the gift of tongues in the Church. I was surprised to discover that there were also powerful manifestations of God's glory in what was known as the “glory cloud.” There were also many creative miracles. These stories are told in They Told Me Their Stories.

      This is the book Billye Brim recently talked about on Believer’s Voice of Victory, with Gloria Copeland.
      “Discover a chapter in the life of Azusa as it comes alive through the stories passed on to Tommy Welchel. Retired Azusa saints recall the roles they played as teenagers and young people in the Azusa Street Revival. Historical insights, miracles, and healings abound.
      • Learn about the Shekinah glory from the eyes of Spirit-filled youth.
      • Discover the rich heritage and roots of Pentecostal denominations such as the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ through stories never before captured in print.
      • A must read for young people wanting to be used of God, but feel they are too young. You will want to meet the teens and young adults used by God during the Azusa Revival.
      • A must read for anyone who wants a fresh glimpse of the awesome power of God unleashed by common people and teenagers during the outpouring of His Spirit in 1906.
      This book will change your life, renew your hope, and inspire you to seek God’s face in preparation for His outpouring as we being this new century. This book introduces you to many great Christians from the glorious Azusa Street meetings who went on to proclaim the message of God, and be used of Him in a mighty way. Some even founded great religious movements such as the Assemblies of God. But, first they were touched and used by God when they were as young as twelve and thirteen years old.”

      Monday, May 19, 2008

      Unusual Manifestations in William Booth Meetings

      Leonard Ravenhill, revivalist, talks about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the meetings of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army.

      "The Holy Ghost would take hold of men on the back seats and lift them bodily over the congregation and drop them at the altar."

      Sunday, May 18, 2008

      Healing for Hearing and Diabetes

      A little girl from Alaska who had 50% hearing loss in both ears is healed. A young woman healed of diabetes through prayer in Jesus' name.

      Raising the Dead, Healing the Sick

      A still-born baby given life through prayer in Jesus' name. A woman healed of Parkinson's disease. Another woman healed of serious breathing disorder and does not need her wheelchair, her walker or her oxygen tank.

      A Woman Raised from the Dead in a Gym

      A woman working out in a gym collapsed, was pronounced dead by a paramedic (no heart rate and no pulse), and was raised up by the power of prayer in Jesus' name.

      Thursday, May 15, 2008

      Todd Bentley Talks About Florida Outpouring

      Here is an interview of Todd Bentley talking with the NBC affiliate in Tampa about the Florida Outpouring.

      CBN Reports on Lakeland Revival Miracle Healings

      Here is a report from CBN on the Florida Outpouring, a revival currently taking place from Lakeland, FL. It features some video testimonies of people who have experienced healing there, including:
      • A woman with a hand “permanently impaired” by a rare syndrome—with pain, limited range of motion and a claw like deformity—but now totally healed, pain-free and able to flex her hand with full range.
      • A woman with back pain is now pain-free and able to bend over and touch the ground—even with metal rods still in her back—healed in the name of Jesus.
      • A woman who had 22 surgeries, suffering from spinal stenosis and cerebral palsy, hardly able hobble around is now healed and literally able to jump for joy.
      • A woman who leg was crushed and hip broken, whose doctor said she would have to walk with a cane for the rest of her life, but whose joints and muscle have been miraculously restored.

      Tuesday, May 13, 2008

      A Deaf Woman Healed

      A deaf woman is healed at the Florida Outpouring and no longer needs her hearing aids.

      A Woman Healed of MPD

      A woman is healed of multiple personality disorder (nine separate personalities). Her mother is healed of fibromyalgia.

      A Woman Healed of Back Pain

      A woman who suffered with pain from two bad discs in her back is healed at the Florida Outpouring.

      Man and Wife Healed of Pain at Walmart

      While healing is happening onsite at the Florida Outpouring in Lakeland (and Auburndale), FL, people are also getting healed out in the street. Here is a brief testimony of a man and wife who were both prayed for in the name of Jesus and were freed from back and knee pain.

      A Young Woman Healed of Kidney Disease

      A young woman from Boston was healed of kidney disease at the Florida Outpouring. For three years the pain was so bad in her side that she could not even hold her children--now she can pick them up without any pain. She and her little girls received the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Sunday, May 11, 2008

      Many Healing Testimonies

      Here is video of one of the healing services of the Florida Outpouring. Many healing testimonies.

      Click here for more videos of this revival

      Friday, May 9, 2008

      A Boy with Cerebral Palsy Healed

      A young boy with cerebral palsy who has not walked from birth is healed to walk on his own.

      Back Pain Healed

      An Anglican priest who suffered twenty years from back pain and a bulging disk is healed.

      Thursday, May 8, 2008

      Rheumatoid Arthritis Healed

      A woman who suffered with rheumatoid arthritis for five years is healed at Florida Outpouring.

      A Deaf Ear Healed at Florida Outpouring

      A British woman who for thirty years was deaf in her right ear is healed.

      Four Healings at Florida Outpouring

      A man healed of deafness, a woman healed of migraines and knee pain, another woman healed of tumors in her throat and breast, and a man healed of two bulging discs in his back.

      A Heart Healed at Florida Outpouring

      A woman who was bedridden with a bad heart and had to be carried down to the platform is healed.

      Tuesday, May 6, 2008

      Fractured Arm Miraculously Healed

      Here is one of the many miraculous healings that took place at the Florida Healing Outpouring in Lakeland, FL. A little girl's fractured arms was mended. Father shows before and after x-rays.

      Friday, April 18, 2008

      Tim Raymond's Healing Testimony

      Here is the testimony of a man from my home church (Revival Outreach Center, Dover, FL) who was recently healed of sarcoidosis at a recent revival meeting conducted by Todd Bentley in Lakeland, FL.

      Thursday, March 6, 2008

      South Florida Man Raised from the Dead

      WSVN TV7 reported, on February 1, 2008, that Jeff Markin, a South Florida man, was raised from the dead by a Christian doctor, Dr. Chauncey Crandall, who prayed over him in the name of Jesus. Dr. Crandall said
      If you come in with a problem into our service, we are definitely going to treat you with conventional medicine, but we are going to believe it too. We are going to attack it with conventional medicine, and we are going to attack it with prayer. The reason I pray for people is because I found, early in my trained practice, that there were miracles, unexplained healings....

      As I entered the ER it was like a war zone. Here was this lifeless body on a stretcher. His face, his arms, his legs were pitch black with death. I said, "Let's just call the code, let's end it because there's no life left."

      A voice told me to turn around and pray for that man. I looked down at the body, and I said, "Lord, what can I pray for this man? He's gone." All of a sudden these words came out, "Father God, I cry out for this man's soul, Lord. If he does not know You as his Lord and Savior, raise him from the dead now."

      So that doctor came over with those paddles and blasted that man and, all of a sudden, instantly a perfect heartbeat came up on the monitor. The stomach started moving, the chest started moving. This man started breathing on his own, and I said, "This man has been prayed for, he has been brought back from the dead by prayer in the name of Jesus."

      You are speaking to a scientist, a cardiologist, someone who loves medicine. I've never, ever seen this. There are always people that do not believe these events, and I will just tell them that it did happen. It was a real story, a real life that was restored.
      God is still restoring the dead to life in the name of Jesus. Read the full report here (also includes video download near top of page).

      Here is another report on the story,with more information.

      Monday, February 25, 2008

      Signs of the Spirit

      Here is a good book about how Jonathan Edwards understood the revival manifestations of the Holy Spirit during the Great Awakening. Storm's insights and clarifications were very helpful to me in putting together the section on Jonathan Edwards in Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church.

      The links will take you to the Amazon page where you can preview this book through their "Search Inside" feature.

      Signs of the Spirit:
      An Interpretation of Jonathan Edwards' Religious Affections

      by Sam Storms

      "Jonathan Edwards’s treatise Religious Affections is widely considered the most important and accurate analysis of religious experience ever written.

      Unfortunately, many well-intentioned readers sit down with Religious Affections, only to give up in frustration over Edwards’s lofty style and complex argumentation.

      For this reason Sam Storms, one of evangelicalism’s experts on Edwards, has attempted to bridge the gap between how Edwards said what he did in the eighteenth century and how he might say it today. In Signs of the Spirit he articulates the substance of Edwards’s arguments in a more understandable way. The point is not to “dumb down” Jonathan Edwards but to make his work accessible to a wider audience.

      This volume serves those both in and outside the academic realm as valuable preparation for, or as a companion guide to, a reading of Edwards’s Religious Affections.

      Sam Storms is the founder of Enjoying God Ministries in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a former pastor and professor, including his time as visiting associate professor of theology at Wheaton College (2000-2004). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Dallas. Storms is the author of several books, including The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Gifts. He and his wife, Ann, have two daughters and one grandson."

      —from the publisher's book description