Monday, May 24, 2010

Joybringer Bosworth ~ The Life Story of F. F. Bosworth

Fred Francis Bosworth

The other day, while on a Google for something else, I came across this book about F. F. Bosworth. He was one of the founders of the Assemblies of God but soon became a part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the early 1900s. He quickly became known for his big tent and large auditorium revivals, and for his emphasis on divine healing. He and his brother, B. B. Bosworth, who was in healing ministry with him, saw many people miraculously healed.

The story of his early ministry is told in Joybringer Bosworth by Eunice Perkins, published in 1921. You can read it at the link above, download it in PDF or EPUB.

F. F. Bosworth is the author of the classic book on healing, Christ the Healer, which was first published in 1924, has gone through numerous editions and has since sold over 500,000 copies. It has recently been revised and expanded by his son, Robert V. Bosworth, and continues to minister to and bless many people today.

Christ the Healer
by F. F. Bosworth
(Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside")
Is healing for everyone? God is not just “able” to heal, He is willing! The Lord is gracious and compassionate, and He longs to give you all the blessings of redemption, including physical healing. He is Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals you (Exodus 15:26). Why is this blessing of divine healing the source of much confusion in the church? What does the Bible really say about healing? Explore this controversial topic with author F. F. Bosworth as he carefully searches the Scriptures for answers to perplexing questions such as ...
  • Is healing really possible today?
  • Is healing for everyone?
  • What was Paul's “thorn in the flesh”?
  • How is a person supposed to receive healing?
  • Can I receive healing? 
“Faith begins where the will of God is known,” says the author. By understanding God’s will for your healing, you can live in the fullness of your salvation in Christ — spirit and body.

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    An Exorcist Tells His Stories

    An Exorcist Tells His Story
    by Gabriele Amorth
    (Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside")
    In this powerful book, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned exorcist of Rome, tells of his many experiences in his ministry as an exorcist doing battle with Satan to relieve the great suffering of people in the grip of evil. The importance of the ministry to “expel demons” is clearly seen in the Gospels, from the actions of the Apostles, and from Church history.

    Fr. Amorth allows the reader to witness the activities of the exorcist, to experience what an exorcist sees and does. He also shows how real and powerful the devil is, and how his wicked and evil influence is so prevalent today in many people’s lives. He also reveals how little modern science, psychology, and medicine can do to help those under Satan's influence and that only the power of Christ can release them from this kind of mental, spiritual or physical suffering.

    An Exorcist Tells His Story has been a European best-seller that has gone through numerous printings and editions. No other book today so thoroughly and concisely discusses the topic of exorcism.
    “This is a very important book. Every pastoral leader, clergy and lay, should read it. The ministry of exorcism badly needs to be restored in the Church today and Fr. Amorth’s book is a significant contribution in this direction. The book is not so much a theological treatise as a personal witness to the pastoral wisdom accumulated over the years as exorcist for the Diocese of Rome, and as such is extremely valuable.” — Ralph Martin, author, The Catholic Church at the End of an Age

    “Fr. Amorth tells us about his personal confrontations with the devil on hundreds of occasions. Those who deny or doubt the power of the devil will be shocked at what they find in this book.” — Fr. Kenneth Baker, S.J., editor, Homiletic and Pastoral Review

    An Exorcist: More Stories
    by Gabriele Amorth
    (Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside")
    Following up his international best-selling book, An Exorcist Tells His Story, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned chief exorcist of Rome, expands on some of the key topics of his previous book, covering important details about demonic or occult issues. He uses concrete examples from his own experiences and those of other exorcists to illustrate and substantiate his points.

    Since satanic sects, occultism, séances, fortune-tellers and astrologers are so widespread today, Father Amorth asks the question why is it so difficult today to find an exorcist, or a priest who is an expert in this field? The example and the teaching of Christ is very clear, as is the tradition of the Church. But today’s Catholics are often misinformed. In this book, Fr. Amorth supports his discourse with a rich exposition of recent facts. It is a valuable, practical and instructive manual for priests and lay people, on how to help many who are suffering.
    “Gabriele Amorth’s second book is a calm, straight-forward account of his own experiences and the principles of faith that govern how he deals with demonic problems or manifestations. This book narrates the experiences of an exorcist, and it explains what must be done to meet them. Amorth is especially critical of priests and bishops, either because of a lack of faith or a lack of knowledge, who have nothing to do with the real issues of the faithful. The book is not sensationalistic; it is however gripping and informative. Amorth is striking in his humility and serious effort to be objective and to stay within the limits of the Church’s teaching on these delicate issues.” — James V. Schall, S.J., Georgetown University

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    Stories of the Supernatural ~ Finding God in Walmart and Other Unlikely Places

    Stories of the Supernatural:
    Finding God in Walmart and Other Unlikely Places

    by Tyler Johnson
    (Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside")
    If God asked you to walk up to a complete stranger, would you do it? Tyler Johnson does it all the time, with amazing, life-changing results. In Stories of the Supernatural he shares some of the experiences and miracles that God has performed through his simple acts of obedience. Johnson believes that every believer can live a life of miracles. In hearing his stories you'll be challenged to step out in faith and pursue God's supernatural power in your own life. This book of true stories includes:
    • A high witch is saved and healed in Walmart
    • A whole tribe comes to Jesus
    • Blind eyes opening
    • Cripples walking
    • The Dead Raising Team
    Each testimony consists of a miraculous event such as a healing, a word of knowledge, or an encounter with supernatural Love. As you read this book, you will not be able to avoid being challenged, entertained, encouraged, built up in your faith, and filled with desire for more of Jesus.

    God’s supernatural power transforms everyday people in surprisingly everyday places. Tyler Johnson also includes amazing visions that he has received from God. You will be drawn into truths about God — that He uses anyone anywhere who believes in His miraculous ways.

    Learning more about God through the power of these true-life stories brings your faith to life like never before. You will be challenged to pursue such supernatural events in your own life and step out in faith based on God’s promises in the Bible.
    “Stories of the Supernatural is a book that will refresh, encourage and inspire. It is a compilation of stories about extraordinary acts of courage that bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth manifest in miracles, signs, and wonders. Each chapter has an amazing story of people encountering God through the simple courage of a believer. These testimonies also bring an instructional element as the author candidly reveals the how to behind each story. In reading this book you will be encouraged and challenged to see God invade the lives of those around you.” — Bill Johnson, Pastor of Bethel Church, Redding, CA

    “Testimonies are integral to producing overcoming faith, because they are literally the 'Word of God' becoming flesh in the life of the believer. The Word must manifest , it must be demonstrated. The writer of Hebrews tells us that true faith always produces tangible substance. The apostle Paul tells us that the 'God's kingdom is not just talk, it is power' (1 Cor. 4:20). Tyler's book offers a great compendium of testimonies - God stories that are not merely the product of faith; they are stories which will inspire faith itself.” — John Crowder, Sons Of Thunder

    “The book, Stories of the Supernatural will inspire you to release God's supernatural Kingdom to those you meet that need miraculous intervention. You will not only find amazing stories of supernatural encounters, but also insights that will propel you to become a naturally supernatural Christian!” — Kevin Dedmon Pastor, Bethel Church

    Monday, May 3, 2010

    Healing Breaks Out at Wal-Mart

    A youth group called “The Burning Ones” was raising money for a trip to Israel by selling pumpkin bread and receiving donations outside a Wal-Mart. While there, they began praying for people to be healed. Testimonies include:
    • A woman in a wheelchair felt heat in her leg during prayer and experienced a significant difference.
    • Another woman was healed of arthritis pain in her knee.
    • Another woman was healed of a nerve problem in her leg. After walking around the store a bit, she came back and said that the pain was gone.
    • They prayed for a woman who was broken-hearted.
    • They prayed for a young girl with cerebral palsy. She suddenly became excited and began doing sign language about Jesus.
    • They prayed for one of the mother's of the group, and she experienced a significant healing in her hip.
    • They prayed for a girl who had a partially torn MCL (medial collateral ligament, which is usually accompanied by pain, stiffness, swelling, and a sense that the knee will lock or give way). She took her brace off and was able to walk away without incident.
    God is still doing today what He has always done in His Church.

    With Signs Following ~ Stanley Frodsham

    In Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church, I briefly cover Stanley Howard Frodsham, who writes about numerous revivals in the early part of the 20th century and the signs and wonders that accompanied them:
    Stanley H. Frodsham, in With Signs Following: The Story of the Pentecostal Revival in theTwentieth Century, writes of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with manifestations, all over the world. In the 1941 edition, after describing the Azusa Street revival, he records how it spread throughout the United States. About the same time, Pentecostal fires started to burn in Canada and the British Isles. Holy Spirit revival broke out in Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Frodsham tells also of Pentecost during the ’20s and ’30s in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Norway, all accompanied by signs and wonders. There were outpourings in China, India and Ceylon. Egypt also received a work of the Holy Spirit. South Africa and Mozambique experienced a renewal of the gifts; so did Central and West Africa. Central and South America also received powerful visitations of the Holy Spirit. Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, the Fiji Islands and the West Indies were all touched, though Frodsham was not able to detail that as much as he would have liked; but he did manage to show more of how the Spirit manifested in Australia, New Zealand and the Dutch East Indies. He devotes a sizable chapter towards the end of his book to numerous accounts of the gift of tongues as an evangelistic sign to unbelievers. All these outpourings occurred within the first forty years of the twentieth century.
    Frodsham’s book is now out of print but, fortunately, you can still read much of it online. You can also find some used copies of it here at Amazon.