Friday, May 30, 2008

Woman Suddenly Comes Back to Life

A Charleston, WV, woman came back to life after over 17 hours of no brain waves. Her family had made the decision to take her off life support, and arrangements were being made for the donation of her organs. But then she revived and doctors at Cleveland Hospital have found nothing wrong with her. They are particularly puzzled that she had no heart blockages, even though her heart had stopped three times—they are calling it a "medical miracle."

Her niece, Darla, had recently been at the Lakeland Revival where she received prayer and a prophetic word that there would be healing, revival and restoration in her family. At the time, she had no idea what that meant. Now she has seen it fulfilled and is giving God the glory, "Jesus stepped in when man stepped away—when doctors could do no more—Jesus did the rest."

Read the story here.

You can also view the Associated Press video report here.

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