Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Signs and Wonders at Revival in Georgia

Charisma Magazine reports that a revival, conducted by evangelist Frank Seamster, has been going on at Coweta Community Church in Newnan, GA, for 30 consecutive days. They began on June 1st and have been going ever since, except for a brief break over Fourth of July weekend:
On the fourth night, Seamster noticed an increase in healing miracles. “It was like in the Bible, with the preaching of the Word, God was confirming it with signs and wonders,” he said. “Every night we had different miracles but on the fourth night, people who had vision problems and those who had chronic pain for 20 years testified of being healed. They stood in the prayer line, and God instantly healed them.” Families have been restored and there’s a distinct move of God among the teenagers and young adults.

“One girl, a pastor’s daughter, had strayed from God and gotten involved in drugs,” Seamster said. “She came to the services and got set free from drugs. God blessed her with a job and someone gave her a car. Teenagers are testifying of how God is transforming their lives by coming to the services. There’s signs, wonders and miracles, but there must be a permanent change taking place in your life.”
You can read more about it here.

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