Monday, June 30, 2008

Revival and Healing at MorningStar Ministries

Since the Lakeland Outpouring, revival has broken out at MorningStar Ministries, near Charlotte, NC. Here is a short video montage about it. It includes an unusual healing where the three rods and 19 screws and bolts in her spine disappeared. Another woman who had not been able to hear from her left ear for many years suddenly received hearing when it opened up completely. On another night, a missing rib was miraculously restored. Also featured are a few comments by Jack Deere, author of Surprised by the Voice of God and Surprised by the Power of the Spirit:
I started saying to Him, "Well, Lord, why do you heal?" And I found out, He healed to have compassion on people. He healed to open wide doors for evangelism. He healed to bring glory to His Son. He heals sometimes because people just ask Him. He heals in reqponse to faith. There are like ten or twelve different reasons, and none of those reasons has been done away with.
—Jack Deere
The revival began in late April. An early report by includes some notable miracles:
Friday night a woman with a whithered arm, which was paralyzed from birth, looked down in amazement to discover it had grown four inches, matching the other arm. Last night arthritics and others were healed. Tonight is the twelfth night of these special meetings.
Read the entire article here.

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