Saturday, November 27, 2010

Miracles are for Today

Miracles are for Today: Confronting the Powerless Gospel with God's Word
by Troy J. Edwards

“For centuries the place of miracles in the church has been debated. This controversy remains in our day. Numerous views and theological positions are advocated in defense or rejection of miracles for today. There are some who believe they are for today, some who outright deny their validity for today, and some who remain unsure. Even among those who believe that God has never ceased working miracles there are a number of perspectives ranging from the idea that they are rare, that they are spontaneous and happen only at God's sovereign whim, and then there are those who believe that a faith-filled group of Christians who believe God's promises can experience them frequently. In his book, Miracles Are For Today, Pastor Troy J. Edwards refutes the idea that God's miracles are only for a past generation and explains from Scripture how God's people can experience frequent miracles in their corporate worship as well as within their personal lives. Get ready to believe God for a miracle today.”

Chapters include:
  1. The Power of a Closed Canon
  2. Did Miracles Cease After The Last Apostle Died?
  3. Were Miracles Meant Only to Authenticate the Apostles?
  4. Miracles and the Name of Jesus
  5. Mark 16:9-20 and Your Bible
  6. Christ’s Miracles: Were They Meant Only to Prove His Deity?
  7. Believers and the Greater Works than Jesus (Part One)
  8. Believers and the Greater Works than Jesus (Part Two)
  9. Cessationism and the Effectiveness of Prayer
  10. Dispensationalism: Another Factor in Powerless Theology
  11. Unbelief: The True Reason for the Cessation of the Miraculous
  12. The Cessationist Idea that Modern Miracles are Satanic
  13. More Cessationist Arguments Refuted
  14. Miracles and the Character of God
  15. Miracles and Motives
TROY J. EDWARDS is the founder and senior pastor of Victorious Word Christian Fellowship in Central Falls, Rhode Island. VWCF is a thriving fellowship committed to evangelism and biblical teaching. He is the author of several books and publisher and editor of Victorious Word Magazine.

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