Monday, May 3, 2010

With Signs Following ~ Stanley Frodsham

In Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church, I briefly cover Stanley Howard Frodsham, who writes about numerous revivals in the early part of the 20th century and the signs and wonders that accompanied them:
Stanley H. Frodsham, in With Signs Following: The Story of the Pentecostal Revival in theTwentieth Century, writes of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with manifestations, all over the world. In the 1941 edition, after describing the Azusa Street revival, he records how it spread throughout the United States. About the same time, Pentecostal fires started to burn in Canada and the British Isles. Holy Spirit revival broke out in Norway, Denmark and Sweden. Frodsham tells also of Pentecost during the ’20s and ’30s in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Norway, all accompanied by signs and wonders. There were outpourings in China, India and Ceylon. Egypt also received a work of the Holy Spirit. South Africa and Mozambique experienced a renewal of the gifts; so did Central and West Africa. Central and South America also received powerful visitations of the Holy Spirit. Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, the Fiji Islands and the West Indies were all touched, though Frodsham was not able to detail that as much as he would have liked; but he did manage to show more of how the Spirit manifested in Australia, New Zealand and the Dutch East Indies. He devotes a sizable chapter towards the end of his book to numerous accounts of the gift of tongues as an evangelistic sign to unbelievers. All these outpourings occurred within the first forty years of the twentieth century.
Frodsham’s book is now out of print but, fortunately, you can still read much of it online. You can also find some used copies of it here at Amazon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the only known recordings of Stanley Frodsham on my website, at:

Drop by and listen sometime.
God bless you.

Brother Mel