Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Amazed by the Power of God

Amazed by the Power of God, Vol 1.
by Frank DeCenso, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, Carol and Christy Wimber, S. J. Hill, Bobby Conner, Doug Addison, David Tomberlin, Charles H. Kraft, Marc Lawson, Denny Cline, Peter H. Davids, and Gary Best

(Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside" feature.)
"We need ordinary people willing to minister wherever they are because lives need changed, the sick need healed and the oppressed need delivered. This will happen through 'ordinary Christians' who want to bring God's Kingdom to others through whatever means and giftings they are given," writes Frank DeCenso.

The need for power ministry is as strong today as it was when Jesus and the apostles walked the earth.The need for demonstrations of God s powerful love, exhibited through His church, will demolish strongholds of unbelief and relativism, as well as tear down cultural barriers that may bring confusion when only the words of the good news are shared, but its power is neglected. When Jesus and the apostles proclaimed the good news of salvation to people,works of power accompanied them. Today, the entire church needs mentored in how to bring God s word to the world in power. This book is a prophetic call to engage the mission of bringing God s radical love to this hurting world through power ministry.


decenso said...

Volume 2, so to speak...



Jeff Doles said...

Thanks, Frank. I've posted about your new book here: God's Supernatural Power in You. And thanks for compiling these testimonies of the miraculous works God continues to do through His people. He's still doing today what He has always done.