Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Flashpoints of Revival ~ Geoff Waugh

Flashpoints of Revival
History's Mighty Revivals

by Geoff Waugh
(Preview with Amazon's "Look Inside" feature.)

This book tells of numerous lesser known revivals as well as many of the better known ones. It also gives many testimonies of miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit that took place in those revivals, including healings, visions, revelations and "words of knowledge" and even raising the dead. It is a solid history of revival in the Church from the 18th through 20th centuries. This is the 2nd edition (2009), updated and enlarged, which contains recent accounts of revivals in the 21st Century, especially community and ecological transformation in the South Pacific, as well as the original survey of major revivals in the last 300 years.
Using eyewitness accounts, Geoff Waugh takes you inside the hearts and minds of people in revivals spanning the last three centuries. Beginning with the Moravians in 1727, this book gives first person reports of revivals in Europe, America, Canada, Africa, India, Korea, Chile and more, including recent revivals."

About the Author
Dr Geoff Waugh, a Baptist minister, teaches on revivals in the degree program of the Christian Outreach Centre School of Ministries in Brisbane, Australia. He has served as a missionary teacher in Bible Schools in Papua New Guinea.


I know of no other book like this one that provides rapid-fire, easy-to-read, factual literary snapshots of virtually every well-known revival since Pentecost. As I read this book, I was thrilled to see how God has been so mightily at work in so many different times and places. I felt like I had grasped the overall picture of revival for the first time, and I was moved to pray that God, indeed, would allow me not to be just an observer, but rather a literal participant in the worldwide outpouring that will soon come. As you read the book, I am sure you will be saying the same thing.
~ Dr C Peter Wagner
Fuller Theological Seminary

What a goldmine of inspiring details! Readers may have heard of some of the revivals described in this book, but Geoff Waugh's comprehensive and up-to-date book provides a global perspective of the unexpected and transforming work of the Holy Spirit around the globe from the 18th century to today. Read, be inspired and encouraged - and open to ways in which the Spirit 'blows where he wills'.
~ Rev Dr John Olley, former principal
Perth Baptist Theological College

The first time I read this book, I couldn't put it down. Not only were the stories researched with clear and concise data, but they provide an account of revivals that blew my mind away. As a person interested in seeing the winds of the Spirit blow in our churches and communities, I was truly impacted reading through history's mighty revivals. Dr. Waugh's simple yet provoking stories of men and women who dared make a difference and in being available for God was used mightily, is but a true story of this humble man of God whom I have had the privilege of working alongside following the revival winds in the Pacific. Once you read this book, you will not want to put it down as the stories comes alive again, showing us the heart of a man whose passionate about revivals and seeing God move especially in our communities. Dr Waugh's book is a must read to all who are passionate about letting the Holy Spirit do his work in their lives, in their church and in their community. An inspirational read.
~ Romulo Nayacalevu, Fiji lawyer
and UN representative

This work of the Rev. Dr. Geoff Waugh is of great significance. In it he has provided a comprehensive overview of the major revivals during the last three centuries. What is particularly important is the way in which we are enabled, through Dr. Waugh's work, to see how God has acted in all kinds of ways, through unexpected people, in unexpected situations, to bring about revival. Geoff Waugh is respected for his integrity, his communication skills, and his passion for mission and renewal. Churches and Christians around the world will benefit greatly from this timely contribution.
~ Dr James Haire, former head
School of Theology, Griffith University, Brisbane

Flashpoints of Revival is a good overview of the major revivals that have taken place in history, especially more recent history. It will be a compendium for historians and others interested in the subject for a long time to come. I doubt if there is a resource quite like it for logical progression and comprehensive treatment.
~ Rev. Tony Cupit, former Director of Evangelism
Baptist World Alliance

Flashpoints of Revival has brought many hours of interesting reading. It is very informative and up to date concerning revivals both past and present. I am confident that this book will be well received by many scholars and historians.
~ Rev Dr Naomi Dowdy
Trinity Christian Centre, Singapore

Geoff Waugh has broken new ground by pulling together evidence of divine impacts on people in revival. He emphasises the place of prayer and repentance in our response to God's awesome sovereignty and might. This is a book which will inspire you and help you to persist until the earth is "filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord".
~ Rev Dr Stuart Robinson
Crossway Baptist Church, Melbourne, Australia

I read Flashpoints of Revival with much interest and enjoyment. The Revd Geoff Waugh has offered us a comprehensive account of spiritual renewal over the centuries. Whilst one of the truly great spiritual renewals has occurred in the latter half of the twentieth century, it finds its genesis in the Book of Acts. Amazing signs of God's power and love have occurred in the Christian communities which have been open to revival. Those communities have seen increasing membership. The churches which have closed their minds to charismatic renewal have seen decline in membership. I praise God for the Holy Spirit movement in our time.
~ Bishop Ralph E. Wicks
Anglican Church of Australia

The Rev Dr Geoff Waugh is well able to write about the stories and experiences of revival. He has been a careful and sympathetic student of revival experiences in many parts of the world. In churches that need God's power for great tasks it is important that God's action in other places be studied. Geoff Waugh has made a crucial contribution to that task.
~ Rev John E Mavor, former President
Uniting Church in Australia

I love learning about revival and this book adds to that hunger. Geoff Waugh, with great integrity and detailed research draws together much information that will inspire the reader. This is an extension of Geoff's many years of contribution in the area of renewal and revival as editor of the Renewal Journal. Geoff has initiated renewal activities in many denominations in Australia and has participated actively as a member in the growth of Gateway Baptist Church in Brisbane.
~ Rev Tim Hanna, former Minister
Gateway Baptist Church, Brisbane, Australia

Dr Geoff Waugh's work has a global relevance, which he has applied in the Australian context. As a fellow Australian I am appreciative. My appreciation is greatly enhanced by a deep respect and affection for the author. He is a competent teacher, an excellent communicator, an informed, disciplined renewalist and an experienced educator. All these qualities combine to commend the author and his work.
~ Rev Dr Lewis Born, former Moderator
Queensland Synod of the Uniting Church

Geoff Waugh places current outpourings of the Holy Spirit in historical context. In 1993 I said that this move of God would go round the world. It has. It is breaking out and touching millions of lives. Geoff's work helps us understand more about God's mighty work in our time.
~ Pastor Neil Miers, President
Christian Outreach Centre, Australia

This exciting book is a powerful testimony of the Holy Spirit Revival Fire in action spanning the centuries from the 18th to the present day. Immediately engaging and easy to read, Geoff draws insights and keys that are not only relevant and pertinent from their day, but inspire our most earnest application. A "MUST READ" for all who crave REVIVAL in our time.
~ Yvonne Le Maistre, Australian

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Singing with Angels

Here is an amazing testimony about a Jason Upton concert. One of the musicians explains how the presence of God manifested and there was the sound of singing, a sound for which the musicians and sound engineers could not account except the harmonies of angels. Upton, who was not one to have ecstasies, was "drunk" in the Spirit.

Here is the song, "Fly." Even if you are skeptical about the angels, the performance is very striking, and great for marinating in the presence of the Lord.