Friday, July 31, 2009

Prophecy and Healing in Dimona, Israel

Sean Steckbeck, one of my online friends, recently posted this testimony at Faith and Fellowship Forums, a board I frequent. Sean lives in Beer Sheva, Israel, where he is heavily involved in house church ministry. He is also perfecting his skills as a tour guide. Here, with his permission, is what he recently experienced:
Well, today I was shopping at the local grocery store here in Beer Sheva and the Holy Spirit kept on speaking to me “Dimona!”

Dimona is a town of around 40,000 people and is around a 20 minute drive southeast from Beer Sheva. Most people know this town because of Israel’s nuclear plant. It is a highly religious/traditional town made up of Eastern Jews (Yemen, Morocco, etc.). Most importantly, it is unreached, with no congregations. TACF [Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship] and John Arnott once did a conference in Dimona, no one from Dimona showed up, of course, it was mainly from congregations all over the other cities in the Negev and some from Jerusalem, etc. Dimona just provided a cheap meeting hall fit for all congregations together. Anyways, it is an unreached city.

So the Holy Spirit spoke to me tonight, I jumped in the car and drove 20 minutes to Dimona to obey the Lord.

After I parked at an outdoor shopping center, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about someone with a neck problem in the sporting goods store. So I went in the store and there were only 3-4 people in that store. I asked who has a problem with their neck, and two people actually did out of 3-4. One of them , M, got prayed for and was healed and gladly received a NT [New Testament].

Next I went to the grocery store to buy some snacks and get a divine appointment. While in the check-out lane, the Holy Spirit speaks to me about a leg problem and shoulder problem, it happened to be the guy in front of me who then was in total shock. Then I looked at his wife and said, “you have chronic headaches.” They shouted, “Where in the world did you come from?”

So I followed them out to their car, prayed for them, and they were healed, receiving also a NT.

The Holy Spirit then spoke to me to go to the pub of the city. After arriving in the pub, they asked me what I came for. I told them that God sent me and he wants to heal the sick. One man asked me to pray for his back problem, shocked, he was healed. Afterwards, the manager of the pub had neck problems. I prayed for him, also in total shock, he was healed. Then I prayed and prophesied over the girl serving at the bar. Shocked, she was totally healed also of chronic headaches. They gave me their phone numbers and want to be in touch. They are all sabra native Israeli Jews. The manager of the bar gave me a free drink as a “thank you!” I preached the gospel about Yeshua and they all received my message and want to know more.

There was a Bedouin watching all the bar healings (what a Muslim Bedouin was doing in a bar, I have no idea) ... anyways, he was so interested, he also wanted to talk to me about this and took my phone number.

Remember the Negev Bedouins, numbering over 100,000 and living mostly in the Beer Sheva-Dimona-Arad area, have only one known believer right now meeting with us that got saved last month!

So anyways, praise God for a fruitful spontaneous trip!
Sean added this follow-up in an email to me:
I just got a phone call from the couple at the grocery store an hour ago. He got his brother on the phone and the Lord gave me some prophetic words. It was right on.

We will meet with their entire family next week to speak about the gospel. They invited us!

An unreached city could have its first congregation.

Praise the Lord!
God is reaching into Dimona with the good news of Yeshua the Messiah.

More, Lord. Thank You for Your marvelous grace!

Healed and Declared Cancer-Free

Georgian and Winnie Banov, of Global Celebration, share this testimony in their “Bliss Report” of a woman who was healed of a rare form of cancer. She had been diagnosed as terminal, but following the healing, her doctor declared her cancer-free.
Three months ago, we held a city-wide “Healing Explosion” in Seattle. Heidi Baker was our guest speaker for Thursday night, and before sharing her message Heidi invited everyone who had been diagnosed with a terminal disease to come forward and find a resting spot on the platform. The stage quickly filled up with people who were desperate for a healing touch from Jesus. Some sat and others laid down with pillows and blankets. Next, Heidi called all of the children forward to pray for the sick. The children began to sweetly minister, and Heidi began to preach her message. As the people on the platform soaked in the in the Glory, the Lord did His wonderful work.

The precious woman whose head was fully bandaged and covered in a black scarf (seen above) had been diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer in February. That night, she prayed with Heidi to receive Jesus, AND she was healed. Her daughter wrote to us after visiting the Doctor on Monday. Her physician used these exact words, “Go live your life, you are CANCER FREE!”— Praise you King Jesus!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Divine Intervention: True Stories of Heaven Invading Earth

Divine Intervention: True Stories of Heaven Invading Earth by Julia Loren
“There's a blaze of light in every word ... This riveting collection of stories lifts us into the awe of knowing that Biblical accounts of encounters with God are available to all of us today. Ordinary believers and current church leaders tell you about their Encounters on the Road Less Traveled, Angel Sightings and Life-Changing Spiritual Experiences. As you read, know this God is as near to you as your own heartbeat. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom, too. Stories from filmmakers, prophets, pastors, housewives, students, and businessmen give a glimpse of a God's kingdom manifest as they: entertain angels unaware that they are not humans; experience a vision that transforms their ministry; encounter God on the road less traveled; and enjoy the presence of Jesus while becoming saturated in His love.”
Table of Contents
Forward by Bill Johnson
Experiencing the Power of Heaven’s Stories
When God Intervenes ~ Life Changes
  • Michael Lienau ~ To Touch a Volcano
  • Larry Randolph ~ The Sound of Footsteps
  • Bob Johnson ~ Jewels & Roses
  • Catherine Brown ~ Father of Lights
  • Phyllis Phaure ~ Ordinary People
  • Aaron Evans ~ Meeting the Man
  • Jason Phillips ~ Meltdown for India
  • Theresa Dedmond ~ The Art of Encouragement
  • Cris Overstreet ~ Fire
  • Ana Mendez-Ferrell ~ The Cross of Smoke and Fire
Encounters on the Road Less Traveled
  • Gail Collins ~ Spanish Lullaby
  • Dutch Sheets ~ No Plan B
  • Sue Rashotte ~ Where’s a Man When You Need One?
  • Don Collins ~ Far From Home
  • William Dew ~ God’s Itinerary
  • Frank Capitanio ~ The Voice of the Irish
  • Cal Pierce ~ Road Tripping in Spokane
  • Rich Oliver ~ Two Tickets to Brazil & A Broken Arm
  • Jean Nicole ~ Messed Up in Malawi
  • John Paul Jackson ~ Traveling on Time
  • Bryan Marleaux ~ Surfing with the Messiah
Entertaining Angels When You Least Expect Them
  • Julia Loren ~ Swimming Towards the Pearly Gates
  • Tanya Snoddy ~ Nurses from Heaven
  • Graham Cooke ~ The Coffee Shop Angel
  • Tom Hovsepian ~ Surrounded by Angels
  • Lucas Sherridan ~ Eyes Wide Open
  • Patricia King ~ Laughing with God
  • Sandy Meidinger ~ Caught by an Angel
  • Matt Sorger ~ Angels, Mantles & The Fire of God
Epilogue: Memorial Stones: The Importance of Recording your Stories

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Whole Lot of Healing Going On

A Methodist Church in PA is [reporting] that a whole lot of healing has been going on there:
God is pouring out His Spirit upon a Methodist Church in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania bringing forth numerous manifestations of physical healing. Members of the Washington Crossing United Methodist Church are being used to minister the healing power of God both within the sanctuary and in the marketplace. This move of God is causing a deepening hunger for God’s power and increasing faith among the members and staff of “The Crossing” who are continually asking and believing God for more.
They have established healing rooms and have already recorded many testimonies, a list that includes: Arthritis, back issues, brain, Carpal Tunnel, Calcium deposits, Deviated Septum, digestive issues, ears, Encopresis, eyes (Blurred Membrane), eyes (Glaucoma, "Floaters"), foot (neuroma), food allergies, headache, heart conditions, heel, hip pain, infertility, joint pain, knees, lactose intolerance, Migraines, muscle soreness, neck pain, numbness, Osteoporosis, pulled muscles, Scoliosis shoulders, shoulder impingement syndrome, sinus infection, Shingles, Throat, Thyroid Disease, TMJ, walking, and wrist.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Healing Revival at Disneyland

A group of Christian teenagers, led by Christian singer Hannah Ford, goes to Disneyland to pray for people in the name of Jesus and enlarge His kingdom, according to the Lord's command in Luke 10:9, "Heal the sick there, and say to them, The kingdom of God has come near you." They brought many signs and wonders in Jesus' name — a healing revival! Many of those they ministered to prayed to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. The kingdom of God manifesting at the "Magic Kingdom." Many healing testimonies. Watch how these kids minister the love of God in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4