Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Healing Explosion in Seattle, WA

Georgian and Winnie Banov of Global Celebration send this report of recent healing miracles at Northwest Healing Explosion in Seattle, WA:
Winnie and I are writing to you from the glorious Northwest where we are in the middle of a "healing explosion" — an incredible 10 day regional event. We are enjoying the unity in the body and the infectious excitement and hunger for more of Jesus. Last night there was an ongoing stream of people coming forward with reports that Jesus healed them. Each one testified with excitement and joy, and so many were healed without anyone but Jesus touching them. Tumors have vanished, a woman that has not walked in three years got out of her wheelchair and walked across the room, a family was completely healed from asthma, neck injuries have been healed, chronic pain disappeared from many people's bodies, the list goes on and on.
This woman had not walked for three years, but at recent meetings in Seattle she got up out of her wheelchair and walked all around the room. Here is a video clip of her testimony:

God continues to do today what He has done through the centuries.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No More Holes in Her Heart

Kevin and Cynthia Ford, founders of Sozo Ministries, report this healing testimony:
Last August I had the pleasure of ministering at the Greenville Christian Center in New York with Pastors Alan and Norma Babcock. After some awesome worship and preaching a word of faith we had an atmosphere of divine healing and an expectancy for the working of miracles.

Jesus was being made manifest as He was taking pain out of peoples bodies when a young lady, a 5 year old named Ciara, came up and asked if Jesus would make her better.She had been dealing with heart problems as she had holes in her heart, I believe, since birth.

We laid hands took her to The Table of The Lord and decreed her Inheritance in the Blood of Jesus. As she was leaving church that morning she told her mom Jesus healed me!!!

I received a call last week from her mother Beverly. Ciara went for her regular cardio visit August 27th and was given a clean bill of health. She is feeling awesome, Praise God! a creative miracle, the holes in her are heart gone!

Our God gives new body parts.